today 人人A vs theone A..
tiz competition vry hao kan..
and 人人B vs 循人..
go dao basketball court jorr..
go eat first..
eat finish jorr,then go see him match..
yi jing di san jie jorr..
saw him match..
damn geng lahh..
xian mu jorr..
di san jie 41-40..
人人B win gehh..
after a few minites..
there all 拉分数了..
vry jing zhang o..
then over jorr..
人人B lose jorr..
then wei lok say he cry,jux hear doremon tell him..
say dun sad jorr and dun cry edii..
have 3 more years can da..
then my bro match edii..
vs theone A oso vry jing zhang..
u in 1 mark ii in 1 mark..
wow..over jorr theone A win edii..
原本人人A win gehh..
then theoneA keep in ball..
then 人人A lose jorr 5 mark..